Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Poem Out

New poem out in Molly Bloom. This one is an avant cousin of the poem in Long Poem Magazine (see post below), but it does its similar doings in different ways. And though it's a
Joyce's Molly Bloom, in The New Yorker
little long, it’s not nearly so long as the Long Poem Mag poem. Thanks again to Molly Bloom editor Aidan Semmens for his receptive interest and for his adventurous mag.    

Monday, March 9, 2015

Molly Bloom

Thrilled to have a poem coming out in the next issue of the exciting and still fairly new poetry magazine Molly Bloom. (Now that's a great name for a poetry magazine, and especially for one with this magazine's avant taste in poems.) Many thanks to the editor, Aidan Semmens, an extremely interesting and provocative poet (check him out here), for taking an interest in my work.